MERDEKA SEKARANG! Bertahun-tahun yang lalu ketika orang Indonesia berjuang untuk mendapatkan kemerdekaan atau kebebasan dari Belanda, saya mendengar beberapa orang di jalan saling menyapa dengan kata “Merdeka''. Apa artinya? Merdeka artinya merdeka atau bebas. Saya akan mulai menggunakan kata ini di sini tetapi bukan berarti bebas dari Belanda, tetapi bebas dari rasa sakit dosa . Bebas dari perbudakan dosa. Kita telah menjadi budak dosa sejak zaman Adam dan Hawa. Meskipun sebagian dari kita berpikir bahwa kita telah dibebaskan dari perbudakan dosa, kenyataannya kita belum dibebaskan dari dosa! Kita masih hamba dosa. Kita masih mencintai dunia. Kita masih mencintai kesenangan dunia. Kita masih mencintai dosa. Kita masih mencintai uang. Kita tidak melawan dosa. Sebaliknya, kita menutupi dosa dengan “kasih karunia” palsu yang tidak ada sehingga sekarang jutaan orang Kristen percaya bahwa mereka tidak memiliki dosa, atau tidak dapat berbuat dosa. Pertanyaan saya kepada Anda semu...
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Many years ago when Indonesians were fighting to gain for our freedom or independence from the Dutch, I heard some people on the streets greet each other with the word “Merdeka''. What does it mean? “Merdeka” means independent or free. I am going to start using this word here but it doesn't mean free from the Dutch, but free from the p ain of sin. Free from the slavery of sin. We have been slaves of sin since the time of Adam and Eve. Even though some of us think that we have been freed from the slavery of sin, the reality is that we have not been freed! We are still slaves of sin. We still love the world. We still love the pleasures of the world. We still love sin. We still love money. We do not fight sin. In fact, we coated sin with a non-existent “grace” so that now millions of Christians believe that they have no sin. My question is if we have no sin, why then did Jesus say the following: "And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast [it] from y...
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BISAKAH KITA SEMPURNA? Yesus berkata, “Sebab itu haruslah kamu sempurna, sama seperti Bapamu yang di sorga adalah sempurna.” Matius 5:48 Bisakah kita menjadi sempurna seperti Bapa kita di surga adalah sempurna? Saya telah memikirkan hal ini sejak lama. Bisakah kita atau tidak? Akhirnya, saya sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa kita bisa. Ya, kita bisa. “Jadilah sempurna” adalah perintah Tuhan untuk kita. Saya percaya bahwa Dia tidak akan memerintahkan saya untuk melakukan sesuatu yang tidak dapat saya lakukan. Anda juga bisa menjadi sempurna. Bagaimana kita melakukannya? Hindari dosa , begitulah cara kita melakukannya. Apa itu dosa? Dosa adalah pelanggaran terhadap perintah-Nya, pelanggaran hukum-Nya apabila kita melakukan hal-hal yang Dia larang dari kita, baik di rumah, di tempat kerja, di kelompok sosial, di gereja, atau di mana pun. Dan Yesus memberi tahu kita bagaimana kita dapat melakukannya jika kita memahami dan menurut firman-Nya. “Dan jika tangan kananmu menyesatkan engkau, pe...
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PARTS OF SPEECH Children who were raised by English-speaking parents and went to school in the United States are fortunate compared to others who were not raised and educated in this country and had never learned English back home. For example, I came to this country when I was young. I have never learned English before I came here. When I saw a cup, I did not know what it is called in English. When I saw a fork, I did not know what it is called in English. When I heard people say the word “dirt”, I did not know what dirt looks like. Learning a new language, like English, was not easy. I spent hours in the children's library looking for books, looking for pictures of common objects, and learning what they are called in English. That was just the beginning of my journey to learn English so I can understand what people say and what I read. I was really lucky because my English teacher in high school, a female, cares a lot about teaching me English grammar, constructing English sent...
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OBAT PENENANG Saudara dan Saudari dalam Kristus. Selamat hari Sabat. Hari ini saya akan menulis tentang topik yang belum pernah saya tulis sebelumnya, yaitu tentang efek sedatif dari anugerah. Kita tidak merasakan sakitnya dosa karena pembiusan atau “rahmat” mematikan rasa sakit itu. Saya menerima inspirasi untuk menulis tentang itu tadi malam sebelum saya pergi tidur. Dan saya memperkenalkan subjek ini kepada Anda sekarang sehingga Anda tahu apa itu kasih karunia. Kasih karunia memiliki efek obat penenang yang kuat. Itu mematikan rasa sakit dari dosa kita. Kita mungkin tidak merasa bersalah sama sekali setelah kita menyakiti atau menyinggung sesama atau setelah kita melakukan perbuatan dosa tertentu terhadap Tuhan. Anda mungkin tidak mengetahui hal ini, atau Anda mungkin tidak pernah memikirkannya seperti itu. Tapi ya, ketika kita berada di bawah pengaruh obat penenang kita bisa tidak merasakan sakit saat melakukan dosa, kemudian bangun, atau mungkin tidak bisa bangun lagi, seperti pe...
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SEDATIVES Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Happy Sabbath. Today I am going to write about a topic that I have not written before and that is about the sedative effect of grace . We don’t feel the pain of sin because the anesthesia or “grace” numbs the pain. I received the inspiration to write about it last night before I went to bed. And I am introducing this subject to you now so you know what grace is. Grace has the effect of a strong sedative. It numbs the pain of sin . We may not feel guilty at all after we have hurt or offended a neighbor or after we have committed a certain sinful act against God. You may not know this, or you may not have thought of it that way. But yes, when we are under the influence of sedation we can either feel no pain while committing a sin, then wake up as if nothing has happened, or we might never wake up, like the popular singer who overdosed himself with sedatives. Grace will make us feel no pain, spiritually, and little or no remorse; and while ...
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2,000 YEARS AGO "For false Christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” Matthew 24:24. For more than 2,000 years Christians have been misled by Satan to believe that the way to salvation is through grace and not through work. And most Christians are taking this shortcut route to salvation because the road is broader and easier to travel compared to the much narrower, rockier, and harder road of work. The grace route is selling like pancakes, whereas the work route is hard to sell. Nobody wants to buy the work route. Everybody is taking the broad road. They can sing, they can play the guitar, play the drums, scream hallelujah, and so forth, and they believe that they are on their way to heaven. Let us see what Jesus says about God’s way to heaven. But first, let us check with the dictionary what the definition of grace is. In Christianity, grace is defined as a gift given to us by God as unmerited favor . In ...
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ARE WE BEGGARS? Jesus told the lawyer that he has to work if he wants to get eternal life. He will not receive grace from God unless he does his work. And behold, a certain lawyer stood up and tested Him, saying, "Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" He said to him, "What is written in the law? What is your reading [of it]?" So he answered and said, "`You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,' and `your neighbor as yourself.'" And Jesus said to him, "You have answered rightly; do this and you will live." And He said to him, "You have answered rightly; do this and you will live." Luke 10:25-28. Jesus said, “ Do this and you will live. ” Do what? Do the will of the Father! I wonder if Christians understand what the phrase “do this and you will live” means. My English is not very good, but I know what the words “do this” mean. ...