MAKAN MALAM TERAKHIR Ketika mereka sedang makan, Yesus mengambil roti, mengucap berkat, memecah-mecahkannya dan memberikannya kepada murid-murid-Nya serta berkata: "Ambillah, makanlah, inilah tubuh-Ku." Lalu Ia mengambil cawan, mengucap syukur, dan memberikannya kepada mereka, katanya: "Minumlah kamu semua daripadanya." Sebab inilah darah-Ku, perjanjian baru, yang ditumpahkan bagi banyak orang untuk pengampunan dosa. "Tetapi Aku berkata kepadamu, Aku tidak akan minum lagi dari buah anggur ini mulai sekarang sampai pada hari Aku meminumnya yang baru bersama kamu dalam Kerajaan Bapa-Ku." (Matius 26:26-29) Kisah Perjamuan Terakhir terdapat dalam Matius 26:17-29; Markus 14:12-25; Lukas 22:7-38; dan 1 Korintus 11:23-25. Saya ingin meluangkan sedikit waktu dengan pembaca saya untuk membincangkan kepentingan ayat-ayat Alkitab yang telah saya senaraikan di sini dan di bahagian lain Alkitab untuk menghindari atau mengelakkan huru-hara, kekeliruan, dan salah faham...
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And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke [it], and gave [it] to the disciples and said, "Take, eat; this is My body."Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave [it] to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you."For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. "But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father's kingdom." (Matthew 26:26-29) The account of the Last Supper is found in Matthew 26:17-29; Mark 14:12-25; Luke 22:7-38; and 1 Corinthians 11:23-25. I want to spend some time with my readers to discuss the importance of the Biblical verses that I have listed here and in other parts of the Bible in order to avoid chaos, confusion, and misunderstanding when we read the Bible. As I have repeatedly stated before, the Bible is a law textbook. We cannot fully understand the Bible, especially the writing of th...
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NUBUATAN Yesus, panglima tertinggi SURGA berkata, "Tetapi banyak [yang] pertama akan menjadi yang terakhir, dan yang terakhir menjadi yang lebih dulu." (Matius 19:30) Apa yang Dia maksud-kan ketika Dia mengatakan ini? Saya akan menjelaskan arti dari apa yang Dia katakan dengan memberi Anda beberapa contoh dari Alkitab. Yudas Iskariot adalah contoh yang baik dari salah satu dari banyak orang yang pertama tetapi menjadi terakhir. Yudas Iskariot adalah salah satu dari banyak orang yang dipanggil, tetapi tidak dipilih. Dia tidak tetap setia sampai akhir! Salah satu pencuri di kayu salib yang diselamatkan Yesus adalah contoh sempurna dari orang yang terakhir tetapi menjadi yang pertama. Dia melakukan banyak hal buruk dalam hidupnya, dia melakukan banyak hal buruk di masa lalu, tetapi akhirnya ketika dia menyerahkan dirinya kepada otoritas PIMPINAN UTAMA, Yesus menyelamatkannya di saat-saat TERAKHIR hidupnya. Dia datang terakhir, tetapi ketika Yesus menyelamatkannya, dia datang l...
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Kejadian 2:3, “Dan Allah memberkati hari ketujuh itu, dan menguduskannya: karena pada hari itu Ia berhenti dari segala pekerjaan yang diciptakan dan dijadikan Allah.” Keluaran 20:8, “Ingatlah hari Sabat, untuk menguduskannya.” Alkitab mengatakan bahwa Tuhan menyucikan hari ketujuh atau hari Sabat. Tuhan memberkati hari Ketujuh, dan memisahkan , atau membuatnya mengikat antara Tuhan dan kita, artinya jika kita menguduskan hari Sabat kita akan menerima berkat-berkat rohani dan jasmani khusus dari Tuhan. Maukah saya berdebat dengan Tuhan tentang hari suci? TIDAK! Mengapa saya mau? Mengapa saya harus? Akal sehat memberitahu saya bahwa saya tidak boleh berdebat, atau minta pertolongan dari Paulus atau murid-murid yang lainnya untuk membantu saya mencari cara bagaimana untuk menghindari hukum atau perintah Tuhan jika saya ingin mendapatkan berkat-Nya. Allah memberikan kita hukum atau perintah-Nya untuk kita patuhi supaya kita bisa dapatkan berkat-Nya, dan bukan untuk kita membuangnya ke toi...
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We can never have a first-class society, on earth or in heaven, unless we have law-abiding citizens. It doesn't matter whether it is socialism, capitalism, communism, grace-ism, or any "-ism" not listed here. We know that it did not work in heaven, and it could never work on earth, or in the new earth when Jesus returns. Adam and Eve lost eternal life because they were not law-abiding citizens of the Garden of Eden. They ignored God's instructions to them and ate the fruit that God told them not to eat. They did not obey God's law. They were not a law-abiding citizen. And they received no grace from God. God evicted them from their home. Lucifer and millions of his angels were thrown out from heaven because they too were not law-abiding citizens. They know that God had created them and had dominion over them, yet they want to exceed God's authority and rule heaven. They were not law-abiding citizens of heaven. They rebelled against the authority of God. And...
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This evening I want to ask my dear readers some very important questions. Would we become "Christians" if there was no Jesus? Would we become "Christians" if Jesus did not die to redeem our sins? Would we become "Christians" if there was no Paul? Finally, would we become "Christians" if we know that we have to redeem our own sins? I know that if I ask my Buddhist friends, or my Hindu friends, or my Muslim friends the same questions that I have asked my Christian readers, they would say that they probably would, except perhaps, the last question - to pay for our sins. Why? Let me clarify what I meant. Christians are supposed to be followers of Jesus Christ, right? But they are not. They are followers of the Apostle Paul. They believe in Paul, and not in Jesus. They abolished all of Jesus' words. They do what Paul says or writes even though they do not fully understand his lawyer-style writings. And they don't do what Jesus clearly told the...
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NOAH FOUND GRACE IN THE EYES OF THE LORD Today I want to talk a little bit about the word "grace", a word that is often abused and misused by Christians not only in the United States, but also by people all over the world. The word grace has perhaps been mentioned more than a million times by Pastors, TV evangelists, preachers, teachers, and others during the sermons in churches and in public places where they meet. If you go to every place of worship, small or large, you will hear the word "grace" repeated mentioned from the pulpits and sung in church every time they meet. "Grace" is not only the most often used word by Christian Pastors and preachers, but is also the abused, misused, and misunderstood word by Christians everywhere in the world. Brothers and Sisters. When we say the word “grace”, what are we referring to or what are we talking about? Do we know? I am often confused when I hear Pastors talk about the word “grace” on radio, television, ...
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SPIRITUAL GIANTS November 2, 2021 Brothers and Sisters, are you aware that when God created us, you and me, He wanted us to grow and become perfect - Spiritual Giants? Are we aware of it? How do I know that, some of you ask? Here is my answer. Jesus said in Matthew 5:48, “Be ye therefore perfect , even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” Jesus wanted us to become perfect - Spiritual Giants, and not spiritual midgets or spiritual dwarfs! Jesus ordered us to be perfect even as our Father in heaven is perfect. This is His order ! How can we grow and become Spiritual Giants, you ask? Many of today’s Christians say that it is not possible for humans to become Spiritual Giants. How can we become perfect like our Father in heaven who is perfect? Is Jesus asking us to do what we cannot do? Or, was Jesus just kidding? Are we doubting Jesus like some of His disciples? Jesus did not ask from us to do something that we cannot do, for sure. The prophet Elijah was a Spi...