I am going to write a little bit differently today than usual. I am going to write about our physical well-being. They are both important, to our physical and spiritual well beings. There are a lot of health topics that I like to write about, but for now, I want to write about the right posture when we walk, sit, or sleep.
When we walk we often walk with our chin down, instead of chin-up neutral or parallel to the ground. This is bad posture when we walked with our cervical spine curved, chin flexed, instead of straight-up more like a straight stick. If we do this over decades, we may end up in a wheelchair. And I think this is one of the main reasons why we see many senior citizens are either walking with a walker or pushed in a wheelchair. And I think this is why. Between each pair of our cervical spines, there is a disk that allows for easy rotation of our vertebrae. In a curved or chronic bend forward position, the anterior portion of the vertebrae, say C-3 and C-4, are brought closer together. This squeezes and pushes the disk posterior toward the spinal cord and spinal canal. When an MRI of the cervical spine is done, we often see a protrusion of part of the disk that was squeezed into the spinal canal and spinal cord. In other words, the disk "chokes" the cord and affects the sensory and motor function of the spinal cord from the brain to the extremities. Over a prolonged period of time, you can lose balance and your arms and legs can weaken. The condition sometimes can be reversed if known and treated early, and without surgery, if there is no disk herniation, disk degeneration, or other complicated conditions. If detected late, you may end up in a wheelchair.
Remember, do not walk, sleep in your bed or on the couch, or in the back of your car where your chin is forced to touch your chest. That is bad for your neck's anterior spine, especially when you do it for many years. Walk with our chin up from now on. This is the right posture when we walk
I like to hear God say to me like what He said to the Prophet Enoch, "You have walked with Me a long distance from your home. You are now closer to My home than your home. I want to invite you to live with Me in My home." And my response to my Lord is, "If you have nothing more for me to do for you on this earth, I will happily take the extra steps to go home with You right now!"
Keep our chin up. When Jesus returns in the cloud above we will joyfully greet Him with our chin up, and not with our chin down, hopefully. We will make mistakes in our lives and do things that God doesn't want us to do, but God is forgiving! He holds no grudges against us.
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9
Keep our chin up until Jesus returns.