Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man [was] great in the earth, and [that] every intent of the thoughts of his heart [was] only evil continually. And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. So the LORD said, "I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them." But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.” Genesis 6:5-8.
God was at war with the world during Noah’s time. He saw that the wickedness of man was great and that every intent of the thoughts of his mind was evil continually. God was grieved when He saw all of these. And He made the decision to destroy the world by letting heavy rainfall for forty days and forty nights, and kill everything that He had created!
There were millions or billions of fatalities when God had war with the world during Noah’s time. He destroyed millions, or billions of humans, men, women, young and old who have bad intentions, 7/24/365. The war was very destructive! 
I, on the other hand, propose a different war. It is not a destructive war. I called it a noble war. At the conclusion of the war, there will be no war fatalities. I foresee some of the “war victims” earning high incomes as registered nurses, CPAs, engineers, medical doctors, architects, accountants, and so forth. They will no longer do things that will make God angry or mad. And to achieve all this, Brothers and Sisters, I need your help. Will you help me, please? This is how much it would cost you to help me.
I want you to buy an extension cord with a switch. This is what I want you to contribute to yourself.

You can buy them at Lowe, Walmart, Home Depot, or probably at Food for Less.
Once you have it, connect the power cord from your router to one of the ports above, and plug your extension cord into a power source.
Use this new switching system to turn your computer on and off. Do not leave your router on 7/24/365 as you have been doing in the past. Turn your router off at night. People with bad intentions can do nothing to you if your router is off. If you use your computer during the day for a couple of hours you can turn the router on for a couple of hours, but make sure you have your computer OFFLINE, and not connected to the Internet when you are done. This is important for you to know and do because your smart TV is often connected to the Internet also. If you do not use your computer, make sure your computer is OFFLINE and is not connected to the Internet as you are watching the TV.
Get a reputable AV. McAfee is a good choice. The AV that comes with your Windows is not good enough to fight the bad intentions of hackers.
And I believe, that if all of us can significantly reduce the working hours of hackers, there will be less demand for hackers, and consequently they will have to find other jobs. 
This is a blessing in disguise. These hackers are smart in doing what they do. They could become doctors, engineers, CPAs, architects, or whatever they want to be, with one exception. If they can quit their bad habits. If they can repent. But many hackers remain as hackers until they die. They continue to live in sin until they die like those souls who drowned in mud water during the big flood.


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