Brothers and Sisters. Today is Friday. I have a couple more hours of free time that I can use to write before sundown. Hopefully, I can finish my writing before dark. What is it that I want to write about? I want to continue to write about an article that I have recently published - "Heaven is a privilege, not a right". I have no intention to discourage anyone who wants to go to heaven. And I have no intention to deceive anyone either by telling them that it is very easy to go to heaven. That is not my job.
My job is to share with my readers what I have been inspired by the Spirit to write, nothing less, and nothing more. Writing in English does not come easy to me. I have to struggle to write every day. And I don’t understand either how I was able to complete sentences that my readers can understand. 
One principal concept that I want my readers to understand is this, and that is that the passkey to heaven is OBEDIENCE. Do we understand that? If we don’t obey Jesus, a carpenter, don’t waste our time and money going to universities to get Masters or PhD degrees in Biblical Studies, or in Religion. Why? Because only Jesus holds the key to heaven. Universities will teach you how to make money, but not to walk on the streets of Jerusalem wearing sandals telling the truth.
Jesus said, "If you love Me, keep My commandments.” John 14:15. Do you know what “keep My commandments” implies? It means that we are to practice His commandments every day until they become second nature to us. It means that obeying God becomes second nature to us. And why is obeying God so important? Because He will evict us out from heaven if we disobey Him, even after we are saved. God has no second thought evicting anyone from His home. Look at Adam and Eve. They were citizens of the Garden of Eden by birth. God personally created them. But God evicted them from their home and they lost eternal life. Look at Lucifer and millions of his angels. They too lost eternal life. Do you know why? They do not practice God’s commandments every day until His commandments become part of their second nature. And that requires total obedience. And so, what assures us that He will not evict us from the new earth? Obedience Bro, obedience by keeping His commandments. By doing what He wanted us do for Him. When we keep His commandments, we cannot go wrong. He is our partner until we reach the finish line, and beyond. Finally, I want to say a little more about the passkey to Heaven, OBEDIENCE, before I conclude. Millions or billions of Christians everywhere have a hard time remembering a nine-letter word. They memorize a shorter word, "grace", or some other word that they have invented themselves as the password to Heaven. But we know from history that any password that we use other than OBEDIENCE could not take us to Heaven. We know that DISOBEDIENCE would take us only to HELL. Look at Adam and Eve, Lucifer and millions of his angels, and billions of souls that perished during the big flood are not in heaven, except Noah and a handful of family members who OBEY God. We will find grace only AFTER we are in heaven. Grace has to be earned. But remember this, if we disobey God when we are living on the new earth, He will kick us out again as He did to Adam, Eve, and Lucifer and millions of his angels. No grace, no mercy! Why? Because grace has to be earned!


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