“For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.'” Isaiah 14:13-14. Readers, today we are going to study together what Satan intended to do, according to Isaiah 14:13-14, and why. Some writers say that it shows Satan’s desire to be equal to God. Yes, that is true. But why? Why does he want to be equal to God when he knows that God created him? What is the hidden motive why he wants to be equal to God? Why do we want to change our job, be a nurse, be a doctor, an engineer, a hacker, and so forth? And why does a homeless person not want any of those? Do you know why? A homeless person is already happy or content with what he has, but we are not. We are envious of what other people have. But the Ten Commandments forbids us from coveting. Satan knows about the Ten commandments, but he doesn't care. He is envious of God. And many of us Christians are also envious of other people. We are envious of our neighbor’s wife, we are envious of other people’ husband, etcetera. And we want to have what other people have that we don’t have. And that’s where our problem starts. That’s where our headache begins. Look, when we want to have what we don’t have, have we prayed about it? Jesus taught us to pray, “Your kingdom comes. Your will be done On earth as [it is] in heaven.” Matthew 6:10. He taught us to ask His permission so we can have what we want to have. Do you think Jesus wants to die for us? No, He doesn’t want to die for us. He asked permission from God the Father so he can avoid death, but it’s up to Him to decide. Readers, do you know that the Lord’s Prayer is part of His commandments? And I assure you that if we don’t keep His commandments, we will repeat the same fatal mistakes that Lucifer made, and see the painful result of our wrongful decision either next month, next year, or 50 years from now. Be happy with what we already have. If we can afford more, thank you Jesus.